8th Persona
At their core, they seek to impose their will and sense of morality onto themselves and those around them. They often seek vengeance and see threats to their will often. However, this can lead to puritanical actions or hypocritical blunders, as well as ``might makes right`` type of situations.
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9th Persona
The Seeker
At their core, they can be blind to their will, often seeking it through other sources while not seeing it in themselves, or denying it altogether.
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1st Persona
The Perfectionist
At their core, they desire to follow something perfect, whether it is a system, institution, or person. Sometimes, they create their own rule set to follow. Regardless, Type 1's hold to a perfect standard to enforce their will onto the world.
2nd Persona
The Independent
At their core, they desire to suit the needs of others in order to take a strong position in their lives. Through this, they seek to have their image and identity validated.
3rd Persona
The Displayer
At their core, they focus on efficiency. They create an image that would be desirable to the society at large, and often identify with that image as they lose their true sense of identity.